Hill Country Inline Club
Pace Yourself
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November Skater of the Month

Name: Mike MacDowell

Age: 51

Nickname: The Happy Gnome

Marital Status: Single

Have been skating for how long: I've been skating since I was a small child and inline skating for about three years.

Equipment Brand and Type: Right now I'm skating on Rollerblade 90's but I'd like to upgrade in the near future to 110's

Life Philosophy: My life philosophy is that we are here for three things:

  • To learn
  • To teach
  • To share our life experiences and feelings with others

Favorite Time of Day to Skate: Early morning

Favorite Skating Event: The Pace Yourself Skate Races at the Veloway

Awards/Competitive Wins: None (yet!)

Biggest Adventure: I really enjoyed skating with the group when we skated on the Greenway in San Antonio.

Would Like to Do This Coming Year: I would like to be able to finish a full marathon in 2014.

What I get from skating: What I get from skating is that nothing comes easy and nothing happens overnight. Life takes some work and dedication. Also the relaxation of taking the time to play! (Nice that I can get both from one thing!) And I also get to show off my gorgeous legs! :-)

Coolest Accomplishment: I think my coolest accomplishment so far has been to be able to teach others some of the things I have learned.

Other sports/hobbies I enjoy: Fine-woodworking in my shop. I also enjoy dancing. Playing guitar and singing is a big part of my life.

Mentors: I would have to say that, as far as mentors go, there are so many more experienced skaters in this club that are willing to take the time to help and offer advice that I really can't choose, although Neil has been a great help with my technique.

Helpful Advice to Beginners: Allow yourself the time to grow gradually - distance and speed don't happen overnight. Be patient with yourself.

Favorite Quotes: My favorite quote is by a Scottish Himalayan Expedition:

    "Until one is committed, there is hesitancy,
    a chance to turn back.
    When one commits oneself, then Providence moves also,
    and all manner of things occur to aid in the accomplishment,
    that would never have happened otherwise."

Mike Macdowell