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Sep Skater of the Month

Name: Eugenio Arima

Nickname: None

Age: 50

Marital Status: Married

Have been skating for how long:I have quad skated occasionally when I was a teenager, started skating regularly two 1/2 years ago.

Equipment Brand and Type: Seba FR2 boots, Powerslide Pleasure frame, 110 mm wheels

Life Philosophies: Actions always prevail over words

Favorite Time of Day to Skate: Whenever I have spare time.

Favorite Skating Event: Moonlight skating at the Veloway.

Awards/Competitive Wins: None in skating, got some medals in judo when I was a kid.

Most Memorable Incident: When I started skating at the Veloway, I tried to slalom stop on that steep descent after the bird house and ended up hugging a tree. Ridiculously funny.

What do you get from Skating: Love the sound of the wheels gliding on the pavement.

Would like to do this Year in Skating: Complete 5 laps non-stop at Veloway.

Coolest Accomplishment: I learned how to skate when I was already over 45!

Other Sports/Hobbies you Enjoy: Hiking, fishing, and kayaking.

Favorite skating gadget/tool: I only have my skates

What do you enjoy about being a member of HCIC: Participate in organized events (picnics, volunteering work)

Mentors: Youtube videos :)

Helpful advice to other skaters/ Beginners: You will get better, just practice.

Favorite quote: Not a big fan of pretty words. Let's go with funny quotes: "You can observe a lot by just watching." - Yogi Berra

Eugenio Arima