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August Skater of the Month

Name: Deborah Dee

Age: 50

Marital Status: Single

Have been skating for how long: About 8 years at the Veloway

Equipment Brand and Type: Old School Quads

Life Philosophy: "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." - Hamlet, Shakespeare

Favorite Time of Day to Skate: Sunday at dusk. It's a great way to start the week!

Favorite Skating Event: Road trip with HCIC to Leon Creek Greenway in San Antonio.

Biggest Skating Adventure: Seeing a bison (yeah, it looked like a giant buffalo) at the Veloway - didn't know it had gotten loose and everyone was looking for it while we passed it 3 times.

Would Like to Do This Year: No more injuries!

What I get from skating: No matter my day, I feel good the moment my skates hit the Veloway.

Coolest Accomplishment: Skating in an art car parade. There were four of us inside a giant paper mache octopus, if you can picture that ;-)

Other sports/hobbies I enjoy: Snowboarding, skiing, hiking, clay and sketching.

Favorite skating gadget/tool: Awesome wrist guards that I got as party prize at the last HCIC event.

Helpful Advice to Beginners: If you're not an experienced skater, ride your bike first on the veloway so you can see it.

Favorite Quotes: "You'll never have time to exercise, you have to make time." - A friend

Deborah Dee