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March Skater of the Month

Name: Nicole Fisher

Nickname: Nergizer

Age: 41

Marital Status: Single

Have been skating for how long: 15 Years

Equipment Brand and Type: Bont - custom molded, Swiss Bones bearings

Life Philosophies: The Golden Rule, Turn Lemons into Lemonade, Challenges are 'for' me, not 'to' me.

Favorite Time of Day to Skate: Warm Summer evenings with our incredible Texas sunsets

Favorite Skating Event: Texas Road Rash and being a part of its growth! (Thank You Richard Littrell for getting this started for the Austin community). Also was inspired by my 1st marathon which was the Long Beach marathon (which is no longer). I LOVED it so much and wanted to have as many other people get that 'Feel Good' feeling.

Awards/ Competitive Wins: Disney Marathon and Toronto Marathon came in 3rd in my age group.

Most Memorable Incident: Being in the first official Texas Road Rash Marathon and having the back bolt come out of my frame in the first 1 1/2 miles of the race (Lesson learned!).

Biggest Skating Adventure: Going to Mallorca (Island off of Spain) for 12 days of an International skating workshop and tour with Barry Publow's 'Break Away Skate' training. It was a piece of Heaven and I still keep in touch with some from the other countries :).

Nicole Fisher Photo

What do you get from Skating: I like the unique challenges, the fun adventures, and great physical workout. I gain peace in my mind, and it frees my spirit.

Would like to do this Year in Skating: Make a larger difference in the skating Community. See more and more people have fun skating times. See the skating community grow by leaps and bounds and enjoy this awesome sport!

Coolest Accomplishment: Skating 'King of Jester' (up Jester Mt. off 2222) and two MS150's - just the 90 miles on the first day.

Other Sports/Hobbies you Enjoy: Mountain biking and trailrunning with Zaydic - my 4 legged pal; weight training; home projects indoor and outdoor; paddling; rock climbing; fishing; being in the 'elements' with a breeze on my skin and sun on my face; boating; motorcycling; seizing new opportunities; new adventures; going where I have not gone before.

Favorite skating gadget/tool: My Garmin GPS to know my distance.

Mentors: Barry Publow and Aaron Arnt from Canada for their training. Eddy Matzger for his enthusiasm and 'It's possible' attitude and I look forward to training with him one day. Brian Shicoff who goes to every event around the country and does the 24 hour skates I would like to do. And everyone who is more skilled than I (which is the majority). I watch, learn, and like that I will always have new things to learn. "When the student's ready, the teacher appears ;)".

Helpful advice to other skaters/ Beginners: Keep trying new skating opportunities and challenges. Enjoy all the R.A.V. (Risk + Action = Victory). Keep raising your bar and no comparing yourself to others. Just say, 'Wow, look at how far I've come'. Ask the people you want to know how they do something...how they learned it. If you aren't able to be consistent with getting out and skating, don't expect too much til you can be consistent. And Have Fun!

Favorite Quote: This is a challenge since I love quotes and am very motivated by them. One of my core beliefs is, 'I am responsible for my success and happiness', and I have this perspective, 'a new friend is just a stranger I haven't met yet'. And a few signature quotes, 'Be Well, Be Smile, Keep Living life LOUD', 'Skate and Smile, Smile and Skate'.